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Full text of "USSS encloses dime for two good nickels"

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RG104 E-1 Box 148 

J. S. Greasuey Department, 


Washington, D. C,, Apr | oh 13876 : 

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NARA RG104, Entry 1, Box 148 

US. Treasury Department, 
Secret-Service Division, 
Office of Chief, 
Washington, D.C., 

April 1, 1876 

James Pollock Esq. 
Supt. of U.S. Mint 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Sir: Enclosed please find ten cents, inadvertently omitted form my letter of the 22nd ult., 
requesting you to forward me two five cent nickels — one for 1875, and one for 1876. 


Elmer Washburn 

[Noted at bottom: ] 

The above mentioned 2 five cent nickels were sent by me from my probate funds — not 
official or Mint money & therefore the 10 c note is mine. 

Jas. Perearth 
April 3, 1876